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This Principles of publishing ethics applies to all journals of the publishing company World of Science LLC (hereinafter «the Publisher»).
Publication date: 11/07/2019
Principles of publishing ethics
The Publisher relies on the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation, the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the ethical principles enshrined in the Scientific Publications Declaration of the Russian Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP).
The Publisher assumes responsibility for compliance with all current recommendations for published works.
1. Ethical principles of the publishing company World of Science LLC
1.1 The Publisher must adhere to the relevant principles and procedures governing ethical responsibilities of the Editors, Reviewers and Authors of its Journals. In particular, the Publisher must ensure that the decisions of Editors are unaffected by a profit motive.
1.2. The Publisher should support the Editors of its Journals in reviewing complaints concerning ethical aspects of published materials, facilitating interaction with other journals and/or publishers to assist the Editors in fulfilling their responsibilities.
1.3. The Publisher should promote good research practice and implement industry standards in order to improve ethical guidelines, retrieval procedures and correction of errors.
1.4 The Publisher must provide appropriate specialised legal support (report or consulting) if necessary.
2. Ethical principles of the Editorial Board and its members
2.1. Publication Decisions
2.1.1. When evaluating submitted scientific texts, the Editors of scientific Journals of the publishing company World of Science LLC shall analyse the reliability of the work in question and its compliance with the publishing requirements for the form and content of submitted works.
2.1.2. The Editor may consult with other Editors and Reviewers (or representatives of the Publisher) during the process of publication decision.
2.1.3. If any discrepancies are found in the Publisher’s requirements concerning the form and content of submitted works, the Editor shall send rationally-justified comments to the Author expressing the need to make corrections to the work.
2.2. Impartiality
The Editor shall evaluate the intellectual content of submitted manuscripts without reference to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship or political alignments of the Authors.
2.3. Confidentiality
The Editors and the Editorial Boards of the Journals of the publishing company World of Science LLC shall not unnecessarily disclose information about the accepted manuscript to any persons, with the exception of the Authors, Reviewers, potential Reviewers, other scientific consultants and the Publisher.
2.4. Disclosure policy and conflicts of interest
2.4.1 No unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for consideration may be used in personal research without the written consent of the Author. Information or ideas obtained during peer review and connected with any potential benefit must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
2.4.2. In the case of a possible conflict of interest arising between an Editor and the Authors of works submitted for publication, the Editor must declare this conflict of interest to the Publisher. The manuscript will then be allocated to another Editor for analysis and evaluation.
2.4.3. Editors must adhere to the rules of the Privacy Policy (processing of personal data) of the publishing company World of Science LLC – https://izd-mn.com/politika-konfidentsialnosti.html
3. Ethical Rules for Authors
3.1. Published research results must be obtained in accordance with ethical standards and without violating any laws or rights.
3.2. Authors should use reliable and proven methods for analysing and processing data, as well as generally accepted methods for displaying results (if necessary, they should consult with specialists).
3.3. Researchers are collectively responsible for the content of their publications. At each stage of their work, researchers should carefully check that all methods and results are described correctly, paying particular attention to calculations, formulas, tabular and graphic material.
3.4. Researchers should publish their results honestly, without falsification or distortion of the results. Images obtained as a result of research (x-rays, photographs, etc.) should not be modified.
3.5. Researchers should strive for the most complete and unambiguous description of the methods and results used using generally accepted styles of presentation. Publications should contain sufficient information to allow other researchers to repeat the described experiments. Any limitations inherent in the studies should be fully described in the article reporting on them.
3.6. Authors should not refer to literature from other publications if they have not used this literature as a source of information for their research.
3.7. In taking full responsibility for the originality of the work presented, the Authors guarantee that this work has not published in another publication in any language.
3.8. Authors must comply with applicable laws and generally-accepted conventions. Material protected by copyright may be used only with the permission of the copyright holder and with the appropriate acknowledgement.
3.9. All data, text, images or ideas created and developed by other Authors should be presented with appropriate references. Original text taken from third-party works should be presented in quotation marks. For more information, see Anti-Plagiarism Policy.
3.10. Authors should inform Publishers if the presented results have been published previously or there are works devoted to another type of analysis of the same data, etc., which are currently under consideration by other journals. Copies of these works should be attached to the article.
3.11. Publications that comprise a continuation of any prior work should refer to this work. Any translations or adaptations of the work for different audiences, which should also refer to the original work, should also be indicated. In the case of doubt, the Author should apply to the author of the original work for permission to incorporate it.
3.12. All sources of funding for research, equipment and materials should be indicated in the work. Authors should indicate the role of any sponsors in the process of developing a study, as well as those involved in its conduct, analysis and the publication of results pertaining thereto.
3.13. Researchers must include ensure in the list of Authors only those who have made a significant contribution to the development of the work, as well as ensuring that contributors who deserve this right are not deprived of it.
3.14. All Authors must agree to their inclusion in the list of Authors, as well as consent to the most recent version of the published work. Any changes to the list of Authors must be approved by all Authors. The corresponding Author serves only as an intermediate link between the Editorial Board of the journal and other Authors and must keep other co-Authors informed regarding the various stages of publication.
3.15. Authors should work in collaboration with the Editorial Board to correct any errors or omissions found in the article.
3.16. Authors must comply with the requirement that a work submitted to the Editorial Board can only be considered by one journal (publishing house) at any one time.
3.17. Authors should respond to Reviewers’ comments correctly and in a timely manner.
4. Ethical Rules for Reviewers
4.1. The review of manuscripts should take place in a confidential setting. Reviewers are notified that the submitted manuscripts are the private property of the Authors and include confidential information. In presenting a manuscript for review, the Authors entrust the reviewers with the results of their scientific work and creative efforts, on which their reputation and career may depend.
4.2. The rights of Authors include protection against violation by disclosure of confidential details of manuscript review. Reviewers must not disclose information regarding the manuscript (including information about its submission, content, review process, critical comments of Reviewers and the final decision) to anyone other except the Editorial Board. Violation of confidentiality is permissible only in the case of a statement of inaccuracy or falsification of materials to the Editorial Board; in all other cases its preservation is mandatory.
4.3. Reviewers may not make copies of articles for their own purposes or use knowledge of the content of the work for their own purposes prior to its publication.
4.4. If a Reviewer is not sure of the adequacy of his or her qualifications for the analysis of the manuscript, or does not have time for the rapid execution of the review, he or she should notify the Editor of the journal and request to be excluded from the review process of the corresponding manuscript.
4.5. Any manuscript received for review should be treated as a confidential document. This document may not be disclosed or discussed with any persons not authorised by the Editor.
4.6. The Reviewer must give an objective assessment. No personal criticism of the Author is acceptable.
4.7. Reviewers should express their opinions clearly and reasonably.
4.8. In the case of potential conflicts of interest due to competitive, joint and other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies or other organisations associated with the submitted manuscript, Reviewers so affected must recuse themselves from examination of the corresponding manuscripts.